Name(s) of Host(s): Richard Horvath

Podcast Name: Project Pod UK

Podcast Category: Society and Culture

Podcast Description: The Show

When developing the show we took into consideration what listeners want from a podcast. It’s quite clear from the success of Shows such as JRE that listeners enjoy podcasts which produces new informational content, achieved through the acquisition of great guests. We put a range of guests together from all different backgrounds and walks of life to give their take on current situations, help and advice and insights into their lives and accomplishments. Everybody has different takes on life and how to live it to the fullest, with a multitude of guests comes a multitude of knowledge. We hope that from every podcast somebody can come away feeling a little more educated, more enlightened or just simply entertained.

The Fun Stuff...

We start the show with a “get to know the guest in 60 seconds” a quick fire question segment. The reason for this is threefold; it’s fun - listeners can play along and think of how they would answer the same questions.
It’s informational - it allows us to find out things that you probably wouldn’t have known about the guest from prior more serious interviews It breaks the ice - We are able to relax our guests in to the podcast by asking a few wacky questions and having them feel comfortable and not take the show too seriously.

The Quiz!

At the end of the show we test our guests general knowledge with a 60 second quiz segment. The aim is simple, get as many correct questions correct as possible in 60 seconds, the leader at the end of the series becomes the series quiz champion. Sounds simple but that clock runs down quickly and under pressure we often see the guests crumble! Play along at home and see if you can beat our guests.


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