Name(s) of Host(s): Steph the DM

Podcast Name: Natural Fun

Podcast Category: Gaming, storytelling, hobbies, comedy, improv

Podcast Description: Natural Fun is a dungeons and dragons 5e real play podcast created by a 5 nerdy friends who wanted to play dungeons and dragons and one DM with a podcasting addiction. We are lewd, loud, and lovable with a story and laughs to share. New episodes are released every other Monday.
About Our Campaign:
Listeners join our party as they explore the homebrew world of Mygaathe: a world where the Gods walk among mortals and magic is at the heart of everything.
With the help of the goddess Brigantia, they've discovered that a group of baddies called the Acolytes of Ursa are seeking out the weapons of the gods and leaving many troubles in their wake. The first episode starts in the spa town of Willow in the Province of the god Pan, where the party quickly discovers that this is no time for a massage.
About Our Party:
We are a two bard kind of party! #PartyinMygaathe
Our group of five is comprised of Kestral (Ben) an orc bard, Willow Moonbow (Sunshine) a half elf bard, Anthony "Tony" Brightaxe (Mike) a dwarf paladin, Sigrid Thor (Irene) a human fighter and Moira (Lexa) a teifling rogue. Join our quest today!


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